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Found 2693 results for any of the keywords a uc. Time 0.010 seconds.
Renewable, clean hydrogen power is coming to California. Here’s what yA UC-backed consortium secured $1.2 billion in federal funding to decarbonize California s economy through hydrogen fuel.
Apply Now | Graduate DivisionLog in to start, continue, or check the status of your application
External Relations and Communications | UCOPWe build public understanding and support for the university's mission.
Jobs | UC DavisAs a top-ranked research university, and the second-largest employer in the region, UC Davis has a community of employees who are leading the way in teaching, research, public service and patient care.
NEC UC Suite for Unified Communications | NECALLNEC s UC Suite is a unified communications solution designed specifically for the NEC SV9100 Telephone systems. Call NECALL today!
University of California, MercedUC Merced is the University of California system s newest campus and the nation s first research institution of the 21st century. Located in the agriculturally rich San Joaquin Valley. Functional sustainability, along wi
UC San Diego TodayThe University of California San Diego is part of a new research partnership led by San Diego-based General Atomics that was recently awarded funding by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
| UCOPWe help illuminate the unique role UC plays in California’s economic, social and technological vitality, and bring to life its countless contributions to the state, the nation and the world.
UC Santa Cruz A world-class public research institution comprised ofOur voices will define the century
University of CebuWith their collective effort, University of Cebu Lapulapu and Mandaue (UCLM) College of Teacher Education Chairperson, Ms. Elna B. Sabornido and the Community Extension Coordinators, Mr. Gendolf L. Niepes and Mr. Verne
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